Interested in Taking the BUILD Entrepreneur Education Course for Small Scale Developers & Builders

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Interested in the Small Scale Developers & Builders course? Submit your info now! We'll reach out with the registration link once classes are scheduled.

Program Overview 

The BUILD Entrepreneur Education for Small Scale Developers & Builders is a comprehensive course that offers participants a foundational understanding of the real estate development process, with a focus on both single-family and multi-family housing on available infill lots. Through a blend of interactive lectures and group activities, participants will delve into the stages of real estate development, construct business plans, and gain insights into financial modeling, zoning, permitting, and construction management. By the course's conclusion, participants will be equipped to develop and manage budgets, craft financial plans, and adeptly handle the intricacies of real estate financing and marketing, with a completed business plan.

Program Incentives:

Successful completion of the Small-Scale Developer and Builder course, you may become eligible to receive the benefit of free City-owned property designated for infill housing. These lots could have preapproved variances and setback, completed soil testing, and utility connection assistance. Additionally, financing assistance may be available for construction loans. 

Please note that these incentives are contingent upon participant eligibility and are not guaranteed.

For further information, please visit or contact us at or (260) 422-2304 with any questions.

Note: An account must be created before you can complete your intake form.

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